Module Contents
Copy an S3 Object to another bucket |
Delete an S3 Bucket |
Delete S3 Buckets whose name begins with a prefix |
Delete objects from an S3 Bucket |
Checks if there is any file in a specified folder within an S3 bucket. |
List the keys/objects in an S3 Buket |
List S3 objects in a Bucket filtered to a prefix |
Check for existence of an object in an S3 Bucket |
Upload file to S3 Bucket |
- str, src_key: str, dest_bucket: str, dest_key: str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) None
Copy an S3 Object to another bucket
- Parameters
src_bucket (str) – Source S3 Bucket
src_key (str) – Source Key
dest_bucket (str) – Destination S3 Bucket
dest_key (str) – Destination Key
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) None
Delete an S3 Bucket
- Parameters
bucket (str) – S3 Bucket Name
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- Raises
ex – If error other that NoSuchBucket
- str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) None
Delete S3 Buckets whose name begins with a prefix
- Parameters
prefix (str) – Prefix to filter Buckets by
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- str, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) None
Delete objects from an S3 Bucket
- Parameters
bucket (str) – S3 Bucket name
keys (Optional[List[str]], optional) – List of keys to delete, all if None, by default None
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- str, folder: str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) bool
Checks if there is any file in a specified folder within an S3 bucket.
Parameters: - bucket: The name of the S3 bucket. - folder: The name of the folder inside the bucket.
Returns: - False if the folder contains files, True otherwise.
- str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) List[Dict[str, str]]
List the keys/objects in an S3 Buket
- Parameters
bucket (str) – S3 Bucket name
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- Returns
List of Keys and VersionIds
- Return type
List[Dict[str, str]]
- str, prefix: str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) Dict[str, Any]
List S3 objects in a Bucket filtered to a prefix
- Parameters
bucket (str) – S3 Bucket name
prefix (str) – Prefix filter
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- Returns
List of objects
- Return type
Dict[str, Any]
- str, key: str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) bool
Check for existence of an object in an S3 Bucket
- Parameters
bucket (str) – S3 Bucket name
key (str) – Key to ckeck
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None
- Returns
Indicator of object existence
- Return type
- str, bucket: str, key: str, session: Optional[Union[Callable[[], boto3.Session], boto3.Session]] = None) None
Upload file to S3 Bucket
- Parameters
src (str) – Local source file
bucket (str) – S3 Bucket
key (str) – Key name to upload to
session (Optional[Union[Callable[[], Session], Session]], optional) – Optional Session or function returning a Session to use for all boto3 operations, by default None